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Useful links

Kids on Tulip has compiled a list of links and resources to help families find any information we might not have. Feel free to navigate the link list below.


Department of Human Services – Family Assistance Office

Contact Information for the Family Assistance Office/Department of Human Services

Governance arrangements

Involves the management of the service, confidentially of records policy and all procedures. At Kids on Tulip Early Learning Centre we are guided by the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 and Education and Services National Law Act 2010.

Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs (MCEECDYA)

Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA):

State / Territory based Regulatory Authority:

Approved providers, services and certified supervisors primarily interact with the Regulatory Authority in Victoria.

The State Regulatory Authority:

Rating and Assessment

All early learning centres, Australia wide, are assessed by their state/territory regulatory authority to ensure that they are meeting the National Quality Standards. Kids on Tulip has recently been through this accreditation process and has obtained the rating of ‘meeting national quality standards’.


Child care benefit (CCB)

Kids on Tulip Early Learning Centre is registered as a provider of “Approved Care” under the Child Care Management System (“CCMS”). Under CCMS the Federal Government provides us with each family’s approval details directly, which is why each family must be registered with the FAO.

There are two ways to receive the CCB subsidy, which are:

Child care rebate (CCR)

The Child Care Rebate (CCR) provides eligible families with a 50% rebate of their out-of-pocket child care fees, to a maximum of $7,500 per annum per child per annum. That is, it is 50% of the total fees paid after deducting the CCB or JET subsidy referred to above.

It is currently not means tested, and this means that eligible families may be entitled to receive this, even if their CCB % rate is zero. CCR can also be paid to us directly just select the option ‘pay to service’.

Further information and the eligibility details can be found on the Family Assistance Office website. Registering with the family assistance office Registering with the FAO can be done as follows:
In person: at Medicare offices or Centrelink offices
 | Phone: 13 6150 (8am to 8pm Monday to Friday)

Please note: Even if you have previously registered with the FAO for another childcare centre you will still need to contact the FAO again to provide the specific details of your child’s enrolment at Kids on Tulip Early Learning Centre. You may also need to provide updated information relating to the previous financial year.

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